Saturday, December 10, 2011

December to remember

St. Nick came to our house on Dec. 6th! Lillie loved it, she got some gummy fruitsnacks, a santa book, some crayons, and puppy, m&ms, and of course some fruit! Anyone else do St. Nick growing up??

Lillie had horrible stomach problems all day Friday. This was her 2nd time being sick, but her first time looking and feeling sick! It was awful...she woke up the next day after not eating and having diarreha the day before and was so pathetic. She drank a whole bottle of water and when I went to make her some toast , she grabbed a few more pieces of bread- she couldn't wait for the toast I guess:/ Then she wanted to go back to sleep, so she grabbed by hands to bring me upstairs and said "Ny Ny" (night night)....poor girl

This pic was from the morning, she just kept slumping down on the couch...

If you take your shirt off you weigh less..FYI

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

ABCs of Thanks

The ABCs of what I am thankful goes....I may miss a few, but I will try and get back to them eventually

A-alone time, I get a chance to blog, sit, exercise, bathe, stalk people on facebook....

B-Blankenship family- made me feel right at home

C-crossfit, my most favorite type of exercise and a place to make great friends

D-Diet Dr. Pepper, in a can. One of those guilty pleasures that make you happy for the moment

E-Elmo, He sure makes my little girl so happy!

F-forgiveness...the fact that God forgives us for our sins, big and small:)

G-grandmas, Mimi and Nana -Lil has 2 of the best! They would not let her go without anything!

H-Hi-lights- I love being blonde! ha


J-Jen, such a great role model! Always fun to chat with and always thoughtful of others. Such a great mom to look up to:)

K- kale, my new favorite veggie! It's so delicious

L-Liz, the best sister a gal could ask for. So humble and her friendship and sistership(?)

M-my mom, she taught me how to love my own baby just like she loved her kids:)

N-nephews- I have 5 and 1 on the way! All of them are special and unique...N for niece Lexie too! She brings so much joy to our family and such a happy girl and she brings great clothes to Lillie too:)

O-Online shopping! I might never buy presents for anyone without it....

P-Patrick, Patrick, Patrick....The most hardworking, thoughtful, and loving husband there is..Always wanting to keep Lil and I happy without thinking of himself;) sigh..... is a scrabble word and sometimes it guarentees a win for me! you can even add an s to it

R-rain, what a great excuse to stay inside and not have to get dressed for the day!

S-stay at home mom. I love all the laughing I get to do with Lil all day, something is always funny or sweet. She wont't be little forever...

T- Texas..makes you appreciate kind, friendly people, and makes me want to spread it all over to others

U-Uncles..Lil has some great ones- my bros and Patrick's.

V-Virginia, believe it or not.....It has helped me grow as a person. I got out of my comfort zone and for that I am better:)

W-winter...Loooove snow

Z-zzzzs I love to sleep! I am thankful for those times that I get a nap or get to bed early

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

#1 Mum

This Halloween was So much fun! I suppose it has something to do with having a 1 yr old to celebrate with...Even though she didn't quite understand, it was such a fun day. Last year she was just a sitting pumpkin, literally! The night before Halloween, i felt the urge to make her costume. I love the sense of pride you get when you can actually say, "yes, I made it."! I chopped up Patrick's old tshirts and just starting hot glueing them on her tshirt and a pair of leggings. It took about 1 hour to make. I could not sleep that night because I was so excited to put her in it!!!
We went to story time on the base and met up with a friend. They had a parade with all the costumes and some trick or treating. When Lillie took a nap, I made candy corn rice Krispies and Mummy hot dogs for the evening. We spent the evening with The Hornacky's in their precious historic neighborhood. It really was just the most perfect day! Oh and to top it off, my mom and dad sent Lillie some Halloween balloons to our house! so fun!

she really was wondering if they had any puppies she could see...

Dada and Lil

she had no clue why we were going to doors...This house had a huge cat and she kept yelling "Cat!" and pointing, it was sweet

before we went out....

sweeties...with the jacket on, she looks like she may just have a head injury....I think some people hated to ask! ha

cutest lil Mummy I've ever seen! and a trooper for keeping the hat on!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

snap shots

Patrick's best friend Sean took some pics of us at Leesylvania state park. The Potomac River is in the back ground, it is a pretty park.

I am getting ahead on my Christmas cards:) Here are just a few

Sunday, October 16, 2011

house guests

Jen and her boys came to visit in D.C! We had so much fun....I didn't take that many pictures though, sorry. The first day we went to the Marine Corps museum and Patrick came with us, which made it special. It was the most amazing museum, one of the best museums i've ever been too. It was very moving and I felt very proud of my husband and my brother in law:) That same day, we went to Arlington National Cemetary, also amazing. It is so peaceful, everyone is so respectful when they are there. It is so amazing to read the tombs. If you have never been there, you need to read about it or visit! FABULOUS!
The next day, Jen and the boys went out alone to explore, they had a great time! We went to Mount Vernon one day too- very beautiful....

The boys were great, they played Xbox whenever they were here! They all loved playing with Lillie too. She loved having them here when she woke up in the morning! Braden slept on the couch and every morning she would run up to him and keep saying "Hi" over and funny!

Colin playing on the stairs

Lots of Xbox...


Fun waking up all together

Trip to Mount Vernon


Slave quarters

Outside George Washington's mansion

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

ahh fall....

Fall is such a beautiful time in Virginia! It has definately made living here more enjoyable! Yesterday we went to this great old home that is a nursery/pumpkin patch! It was so cute and expensive, but it was just for the experience, I think I will go get the rest of the pumpkins at the grocery store;) Anyways, we had a great time, Lillie and I will probably go back this week because they have bounce houses and a petting zoo, and a pumpkin hunt! so cute!!!!

Happy Fall Everyone!

she knows how to smell flowers;)

so proud!

Friday, September 23, 2011

what does the_____say?

Lillie and I usually read this animal book and we talk about what sound they all make. (LIz, you gave me the book, it's a baby Einstein lift the flaps book) She caught on pretty fast! She also knows the elephant, owl, bear, and the cow. It's so cute! But it's even more cool that she understands and catches on....

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

my hobby

I never post about what I am into, lately its just been my sweet Lillie...when I am not with her I am usually at the gym. I love being there. It's not a regular gym, no cardio machine, no locker room with blow dryers, not even an A/C! But Crossfit is what I love..I have had my falling outs over the past 4 years...When I was pregnant, I need the A/C to workout that summer so I crossfitted at a regular gym, yep I was 39 weeks pregnant and still doing pullups and power cleans:) Once Lil was born I couldn't make it to the crossfit gym near my house bc Patrick was never home to watch her when the gym was open, so we invested in most of the equipment at home. Crossfitting alone is nothing like being at the gym though!!! no competition and no push...So The best thing about Virginia so far is my gym...

Crodssfit kind of started as a military thing, so lots of the workouts are named for fallen soldiers..This past weekend my gym and most CF gyms around the world hosted " Fight gone Bad" It raises money for families of fallen soldiers... The workout only last 17 minutes!

My fans...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

oh sweet Lil

So lets see what's new...Lillie is getting so big. She knows where her tummy is, where her ears are, many animal sounds, how to climb in the bath tub, how to get off the couch, and probably lots more things that we are just used to by now. She is at such a fun age! Yesterday we went to petsmart and she loved it! She walked around by herself and didn't bang on any animal cages;) It was fun and FREE! We are enjoying every minute of her. I take lots of pics on my cell phone that no one ever gets to see, but this is one of my favorites. It was taken on the morning of her Birthday while she was watchinh Elmo, of course!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

La La La La Lillie's party

Jack and Lillie in the ball pit

she didn't really care for the first

Friend Lily and Lillie

I heart my ball pit!

red velvet and cream cheese filled white cupcakes

not too bad mom

Jack helped Lil open presents

new shades....

a great day!