Saturday, August 27, 2011

La La La La Lillie's party

Jack and Lillie in the ball pit

she didn't really care for the first

Friend Lily and Lillie

I heart my ball pit!

red velvet and cream cheese filled white cupcakes

not too bad mom

Jack helped Lil open presents

new shades....

a great day!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

what a day....

What a day it's been! We started early, I made Lillie pancakes and we sat down together for breakfast. Patrick had to leave early so he got to hang out with her when he got home. We watched Elmo, of course. That's like routine for Lil. Then the doorbell rang and Nana and grandpa had balloons delivered!! What a hit, she walked around with those things forever. It was great...Then a few hrs later another package came! The ball pit from The Albrights! yay...Yesterday Lil had received 2 packages too. One from Patrick's sister Sharon and one from Liz! It has been a week of celebrating this sweet girl. Actually the month- my parents had a cottage shipped for her and a little cozy coupe car (flinstones car). Last weekend we celebrated in Connecticut. I think I will just keep celebrating Lillie, why not??! Anyways, here are some pics from today, her actual birthday...Born at 5:25am :) Best day of my life

Oh, he party is Saturday- Sesame Street theme, but we may have a hurricane theme instead (there is one headed this way on Saturday of all days...)

Birthday suit for the Birthday girl;)

spent the morning at the cottage (sounds dreamy right?)

I bet she will start associating the doorbell with presents after this week of the UPS guy!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

A New England weekend

wow! What a weekend....We drove up to Branford. CT this past weekend to see Patrick's grandma who is 96! She looks great, sees well, hears well, moves around, etc. We stayed at her house, Patrick's mom's house that she grew up in. Everyone was so happy to meet Lillie. we even celebrated her birthday with them. It was a long drive, but worth it! Great great weather and even better company. We went to a church picnic and Lillie got to ride on a train and play in the petting zoo. Again, the weather was amazing..everything felt like a page from a pottery barn magazine....

This little piggy...

4 generations

loved the hand on her hip!

she loved this barn

The church

little princess

such a great traveler