Saturday, September 10, 2011

oh sweet Lil

So lets see what's new...Lillie is getting so big. She knows where her tummy is, where her ears are, many animal sounds, how to climb in the bath tub, how to get off the couch, and probably lots more things that we are just used to by now. She is at such a fun age! Yesterday we went to petsmart and she loved it! She walked around by herself and didn't bang on any animal cages;) It was fun and FREE! We are enjoying every minute of her. I take lots of pics on my cell phone that no one ever gets to see, but this is one of my favorites. It was taken on the morning of her Birthday while she was watchinh Elmo, of course!


Lizzie Collum said...

She's so sweet! Such a happy girl! Glad you are enjoying being a mommy!

CGG said...

What a cutie!