Sunday, February 28, 2010

Curious Gus goes to the dog park

making friends, but Gus is sort of like the big kid in the class. these puppies were the same age as Gus but he was twice their size and weight! He didn't understand that he was bigger because his brain is still like a 5 month old even though his body is the size of a 1  1/ 2year old lab!
Big baby

It's gonna be a bumpy ride...

well folks, i am 14 weeks pregnant and I am still wearing my same clothes. It is hard to suck in though! I will start some belly pics for those of you that never see me :( 
I haven't bought any "maternity" clothes, but I did go and get regular shirts that are just flowy- which is almost everything at the store and many of the things in my closet already. 
Oh- one more thing- On March 30th we found out if it is a boy or a girl! I will reveal the name that day! stay tuned.....

      14 weeks 

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Baby it's cold outside...

What a day! we woke up with a thick sheet of snow in the back yard and it just grew from there! It snowed all day. The kids at school were so excited, and so were the teachers. It sure makes for a happy day at school. By 3:00 the parents coming to get kids were sliding in the snow. We had to push a few cars out to get them going. Pretty funny. One car over heated because she was giving it too much gas to get out of ice. 
By 5 pm patrick and I made it to dinner and it had not stopped snowing since the morning! The news just said we had 10 inches today. we still have a few more hours of snow! How fun...Oh and NO school tomorrow, so i now have a 4 day weekend :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

silly kitty

These are old but I thought it was the funniest thing Mille ever did! She just got too close to the candle :)

A heart for Valentine's day

Yesterday we had our 2nd Dr. appointment. It went really well, we heard the heart beat- a great Valentine's Day gift! It was a little scary at first, bc the doctor moves the sonogram thing around searching for a beat. I think I held my breath the whole time until we heard it! Hooray. She said it was strong and steady. The next appointment is in one month and we find out boy or girl in 2 months! hopefully things will move fast. 
Today I stayed home from school because I threw up last night! I haven't done that since I was like 8 yrs old. I think I may have had just a bug or maybe I ate something bad. I haven't had morning sickness in over 2 weeks, unless it comes back??
No pictures on this post, I guess I should start the belly pics soon. Not much to see yet- phew! 

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Baby B

There is a baby on there somewhere...

So, many of you already know, but Patrick and I are expecting our 1st baby in September! Crazy huh? We are getting excited. We have our 2nd Doctor's appointment on Monday. The 1st one went well. We saw the heart beat and saw the fuzzy object (baby B). Not much else to report. I am feeling much better these days and I have energy to go to work and work out afterwards. 
I'll be sure and keep everyone posted :)