Wednesday, August 21, 2013

hello?? anyone there...

So I haven't blogged in months! Guess I got caught up in life...
What's new? Well Patrick is home from deployment and everything is back to normal...
He had some time off and we went to Palm Springs and stayed at the new Legoland hotel!!! We had the most fun at legoland.
Hallie turned 1 in July..she is so fierce. She falls and hits her head and gets hit and never cries.. she gets back up. She has been walking since 9months, so she is pretty darn good on her feet! She loves to back herself in to a lap to read a book.
Lillie turns 3 this weekend! We had a Cinderella party last weekend. Cinderella even made an appearance! It was such a hit. She is a special little girl. Loves her mama and daddy andhigh heels and makeup:) she also loves to workout and get dirty. That's my girl!
This fall will be fun with with Halloween, a trip to Texas, Marine corps ball In Vegas, and Christmas with  2 excited little girlies:)

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Liz, Lexie, and Tripp came for a visit and wevhad so much fun!! we spent a whole day at Legoland and a day at the zoo. I am so tired! the weather was fabulous and everyone was happy, even Hallie handled the long days! 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

little past half way

So Patrick is due to get home at the end of May which means we are almost done! February and March have been really long. We had no visitors, so it gets really lonely in the evenings not to mention taking care of two kids alone. Lillie has really been talking about Patrick a lot which is really sweet, but also very frustrating too. She always says, "daddy wants to go there with us" , or " daddy likes (whatever we are doing or eating) too". It's sweet but i don't even know what to say to her anymore. So, I get the idea that she is really starting to wonder where Daddy is because it has already been a long time! poor baby

Hallie is almost 8 mos old. She started crawling at 5 1/2 mos and starting pull up shortly after. I am so proud of her, but so tired from chasing her all over! Her and Lillie ar so fun to watch. They really get along well, but also annoy each other. They each need there time away from one another.

Patrick's parents wll be here for Easter weekend and then my mom come a few weeks later and will stay for 2 weeks! yay...May will probably be the longest month of all.....we will just have to stay busy busy!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

2 down

well, two months down and 4 more to go til our family is back together. its been going pretty well. we have a good routine going on and i must say its working!! both girls sleep all night. Some nights we all go to bed at :30:)
we make sure and do something everyday, whether its a playdate or the park or the beach. i sure have been fortunate to have such great friends and neighbors. someone is always calling or over at our house.
my mom comes sunday and i am ready for some help for a bit. excited for us to to do some touristy things too.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

A Long December

Well we got to Texas for Thanksgiving in Texarkana with Patrick's family. His younger brother Dale is in law school in Houston so he drove us back to Sugar Land to be with my family. We all spent one last weekend together before Patrick had to head back to California and then deploy. We went to a Christmas tree farm and cut down a mini tree for Lillie to put in my parents' house. Patrick and I got to go out to Churascos that night. We hadn't been on a date in a long time!

We ended up staying in Houston until Jan 5! The help was nice, but i really missed my house and friends and neighbors! Lillie was excited to get home too. She kept saying " this is house is so beautiful!" and then when we would walk in her or Hallie's room she would say "It's sooo pretty". Glad she likes it here:)

We had a great time in Houston with the cousins. I got to see quite a few of my good friends from High school! I was so happy to see them and catch up. Lillie had soo much fun, she really misses Nana. We did so much stuff with her. They went to build a bear, we saw  her first movie (Monsters Inc), we got an Elf on the shelf this year, she went shopping with nana a lot, she fell in the pond in the back yard (haha!), played with uncle Nick a lot, dances with Grandpa, snuggled with Nana, tried fresh cow milk, had an ornanment exchange, went to a party with other Sugar Mill Elementary teacher's kids, and most importantly made and mailed Daddy some pictures.

Now to make some memories in California. We got a new kitty last week, Ruby! she is super sweet and loves to snuggle with Lillie. Today we are headed to get our legoland membership, it is 10 mins from our house:) I am also on the hunt for a part time sitter/nanny.....we'll see!