Friday, December 31, 2010

Gus sleeping

attempted "Lillie-napping"

So this is what Lillie is like when she hasn't slept all day and I try to make her take her nap. It's kind of dark, but you can hear her...she's so fun!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Patrick's parents left Monday and then His sister Sharon and her husband and kiddos came Tuesday afternoon. It was so great to see them. They live in Alaska!!! Her husband Robert will deploy in January for 1 year, so I was real grateful to see him. We didn't have much time, but we enjoyed just chatting and being in Texas all together:)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

More Christmas....

skinny jeans- a bit too big for now

saying bye to Mimi:(

my new Auburn shirt from Uncle Dale- he spoiled Lil!

new shoes

lots of hangin' out

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Baby Lillie's 1st's

wow! what a great Christmas we had. The Blankenship's came to see us and they sure did spoil all of us! Lillie slept the entire time we opened presents. She got so many new things...even some skinny jeans and a travel bag! She got lots of toys and music. We have had lots of fun entertaining. I made a pork tenderloin for dinner on Xmas Eve and we enjoyed a fabulous red velvet cake and many other desserts. We played lots of scrabble and scattagories and watched a lot of football. It really has been a wonderful Christmas.

red velvet cake

getting ready- me, dale, Susan

She usually has to "wake up" once she actually wakes up.

Her new A&M bow from Uncle Dale

This was Lil while we opened presents, next year I'm sure she will be more involved

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Lillie's First Christmas... we are so excited! It will definately be a special and unforgettable one. It will be my first Christmas away from my family and surprisingly, I am handling it ok....
I am thrilled to have Patrick's family here! His sister and her family come the week after Christmas and I can not wait to see them! It's been since February, and they haven't met Lillie yet! Here are a few pics from the month so far....

online shopping:)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

3 months

She is so fun!

Her new thing to get her to take a little nap is to lay down with her. She will play with my shirt or my face and she loves to be on her's so sweet

looks like someone enjoys the baby carrier a little more than the other

she loves her baths