Tuesday, March 19, 2013

little past half way

So Patrick is due to get home at the end of May which means we are almost done! February and March have been really long. We had no visitors, so it gets really lonely in the evenings not to mention taking care of two kids alone. Lillie has really been talking about Patrick a lot which is really sweet, but also very frustrating too. She always says, "daddy wants to go there with us" , or " daddy likes (whatever we are doing or eating) too". It's sweet but i don't even know what to say to her anymore. So, I get the idea that she is really starting to wonder where Daddy is because it has already been a long time! poor baby

Hallie is almost 8 mos old. She started crawling at 5 1/2 mos and starting pull up shortly after. I am so proud of her, but so tired from chasing her all over! Her and Lillie ar so fun to watch. They really get along well, but also annoy each other. They each need there time away from one another.

Patrick's parents wll be here for Easter weekend and then my mom come a few weeks later and will stay for 2 weeks! yay...May will probably be the longest month of all.....we will just have to stay busy busy!