Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A heart for Valentine's day

Yesterday we had our 2nd Dr. appointment. It went really well, we heard the heart beat- a great Valentine's Day gift! It was a little scary at first, bc the doctor moves the sonogram thing around searching for a beat. I think I held my breath the whole time until we heard it! Hooray. She said it was strong and steady. The next appointment is in one month and we find out boy or girl in 2 months! hopefully things will move fast. 
Today I stayed home from school because I threw up last night! I haven't done that since I was like 8 yrs old. I think I may have had just a bug or maybe I ate something bad. I haven't had morning sickness in over 2 weeks, unless it comes back??
No pictures on this post, I guess I should start the belly pics soon. Not much to see yet- phew! 


DenKag said...

How exciting! Are you hoping for a boy or a girl, or does it not really matter? :) Can't wait to find out!

BlankenBlog said...

Hoping for a healthy one! a girl would be nice, but I love boys too!

Lindsay Sullivan said...

So..you stayed home from school because you threw up the night before?? That sounds like me, I'm such a baby about that!

The Stirman's said...

Glad everything went well. You will be holding your breathe every appointment because they always have to search for the heartbeat and then they listen without saying anything. The whole time your trying to read the doctors face to make sure everything is okay. I think doctors forget how nervous the women are each time.

CGG said...

Let's see the belly pics! I can't wait to see YOU - of all people - with a BELLY! You're going to be so cute! (Not that you're not already cute...) :-)