Monday, December 28, 2009

The Holidays

We went out to Discovery Green and ice skated! It was so fun. Chase had never skated before so we tried to help the best we could...
He kind of looked like Bambi learning to walk...
This is from Thanksgiving, we took Gus with us...

Hopefully someone in the family got some good Christmas photos!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I never really stop before Thanksgiving and think about what I am really thankful for, so here goes:

1. My family

2. My husband

3.  My health

4. My country

5. Pets

6. my job

7. summer time tans

8. My lap top!!

9.  Fellowship of the Parks church- the ladies in my small group

10. desserts and baking- Especially my mom's

and probably so many little things that keep me going everyday.....this blog may need to be continued...
Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Gus and the ball..

Gus is getting quite large. He loves to chew chew chew! anything and everything, he is losing all his baby teeth. I sure do love when he sleeps with us, he snores a lot and wiggles to be close to someone :)


This past weekend was the marine corps ball. I didn't take very many pictures, Patrick snapped this of me before we left the hotel room. Excuse the iron and hangers in the background! It was a really great time. There was a professional photographer there to take pictures, but I don't know how to scan them and put them on the blog.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Gus' house

Once there was a kitty name Millie who lived in a cozy little house in Keller.

 She often did as she pleased, playing on the computer, eating butter, sleeping with her slaves, getting noticed right when someone walked in the door... On Sunday Nov.1st, Millie's life changed forever!

GUS came and rocked Millie's small world. No more center of attention or remembering to give her treats or thinking of Millie during the day, It was all about Gus now.....

Friday, October 16, 2009

over due update

Well... I feel like a cheater because I read new blogs almost everyday and yet I have not even posted a thing myself. Whenever I don't have pics, I hate to post. Don't get your hope up- I still don't have any. But I will fill ya in on life in Keller. 
The biggest thing is dog hunting. Patrick really wants a puppy. We had a deposit for a lab, but ended up ending that. He decided a wants an English Mastiff! The thing gets so huge- over 150lbs.  But he loves that the thing is lazy, low maintenance, and HUGE! Really it is great because it likes to sleep, the lab would have been too lonely all day. The reason I am calling it Patrick's dog is because when I start saying that I want it , than I will have to help out more in taking care of it! Ha!! So we plan on getting it November 1 :)

Our puppy's parents


Another new thing is that I have brown hair- not very important, but a big change! I am still getting used to it, so we'll see how long it lasts. Patrick loves it, so that makes me feel good about it.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

My Office

Yep! It has a rock wall

It's pretty sweet!

College football begins!

New PJs so we at least we looked nice on such a lazy day

My kitty pants

Guitar hero pants- he doesn't even like that game!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

gettin' in the groove

Ok, so things are getting better for me here in Keller. I have friends! We really like our neighbors, they came over for game night and fajitas the other night and their 3 year old came over one day to watch the Labrynth with me and eat popcorn (and torture our kitty). 
I found a crossfit group I love and I am getting certified Labor Day weekend with one of the girls. Oh and today, my friend Monica who works out with me and who I talk to regularly goes to my church! BTW we found a church! When Patrick and I got there today we saw a girl singing on stage and I was like "she sure looks a lot like Monica!" believe it or not- It was!!! I felt so proud to know her. 
I got a call for a job last week, but they still have to do the background check and all that so the principal said he'd call me back with the official "hire", whatever that means.  It is a PE teaching job, which has always been like a dream for me- I still can't believe I get to go back to buying a new pair of tennis shoes for the first day of school, just like when I was little. It will be weird not getting to get all dolled up everyday, which I really enjoyed! But I can't argue with a ponytail and tennis shoes everyday oh and of course a shirt and shorts! ha!
This past week Patrick got promoted to Captain! I was so proud- I had to go with him to work and pin on his new "capatin" pin :) I pinned it too far up so his boss or "CO" had to fix it- oops!
Anyways, here are some pictures I could find from things over the past month. And yes Liz, Millie is getting so big, she is like in teenage kitty stage.

The Ranger's game. Patrick was on the field at the start in uniform to swear in some recruits and then Fox Sports interviewed him, he was on TV in the DFW area! Our neighbors said they saw him briefly during the 5th inning! 

Amber- old friend from 2nd grade- we were both bridesmaids
Heather's wedding
Patrick's office

he decorated it and everything :)

Our little Millie is growing up!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Millie baby

pics of our house
the new red couches

Mil-her first day

She runs the house

Thursday, July 2, 2009

10 things i miss about Sugar Land

1. mom
2. mom's cooking
3. sisters/bros
4. their babies
5. crossfit
6. the Houstonian pool
7. Rachel and Courtney
8.Town center
9.River pointe church
10.did i mention my family?

So, i've been in Keller almost 2 weeks now and I am pretty bored. Not like I would be doing too much more in Sugar land, but there are just things ya miss when you leave a place.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hunny Moon

Nassau, Bahamas

soaking up the sun

hotel view


We had a great time! I think our goal for trips from now on is to try and do something outdoors at least once. Last year we played golf in Jamaica and on our honeymoon we went deep sea fishing! cool experience.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

went to the chapel and we got married :)

We had such a great night! It flew by...wished we had more time to visit and hang out! I really enjoyed meeting Patrick's family, wonderful people. I feel lucky that my family and his got along so well and it seemed as though everyone enjoyed each other. I am so excited about this blog and the things patrick and I will post on it daily(ha!) maybe monthly! But we will try and keep everyone up to date....
Thanks for following our blog- i'll post more pics after we get back from the Bahamas! Hooray! 

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I am up in Virginia this week and next doing a little training. They call it the prison; the picture should tell a story. The room is small and has one little window. It could be much worse and not have any windows and not have the internet. The weather has been about 90 degrees the past few days but today I woke up and it was cold; probably about 60 and it was rainy on and off all day as well. Anyway thats all I got. I figured I should write something on this thing since it has been at least a few months since the last time I did. I am trying to build a following since Kathy can't seem to captivate anyone its up to me.....

Monday, April 27, 2009

writer's "blog"


craft 2

craft 1
sorry I have been so slow at updating...I think I am losing my mind these days. All I want to do is nothing! Last week I think I slept with my eyes open I think because all i was doing was thinking about my to do list.
I had a shower a couple of week ago and it was GREAT! My team hosted it and it was perfect, so girlie:)
 I also felt like being crafty- i enhanced my armoire and also made a "shnazzy" chalkboard!