Sunday, August 9, 2009

gettin' in the groove

Ok, so things are getting better for me here in Keller. I have friends! We really like our neighbors, they came over for game night and fajitas the other night and their 3 year old came over one day to watch the Labrynth with me and eat popcorn (and torture our kitty). 
I found a crossfit group I love and I am getting certified Labor Day weekend with one of the girls. Oh and today, my friend Monica who works out with me and who I talk to regularly goes to my church! BTW we found a church! When Patrick and I got there today we saw a girl singing on stage and I was like "she sure looks a lot like Monica!" believe it or not- It was!!! I felt so proud to know her. 
I got a call for a job last week, but they still have to do the background check and all that so the principal said he'd call me back with the official "hire", whatever that means.  It is a PE teaching job, which has always been like a dream for me- I still can't believe I get to go back to buying a new pair of tennis shoes for the first day of school, just like when I was little. It will be weird not getting to get all dolled up everyday, which I really enjoyed! But I can't argue with a ponytail and tennis shoes everyday oh and of course a shirt and shorts! ha!
This past week Patrick got promoted to Captain! I was so proud- I had to go with him to work and pin on his new "capatin" pin :) I pinned it too far up so his boss or "CO" had to fix it- oops!
Anyways, here are some pictures I could find from things over the past month. And yes Liz, Millie is getting so big, she is like in teenage kitty stage.

The Ranger's game. Patrick was on the field at the start in uniform to swear in some recruits and then Fox Sports interviewed him, he was on TV in the DFW area! Our neighbors said they saw him briefly during the 5th inning! 

Amber- old friend from 2nd grade- we were both bridesmaids
Heather's wedding
Patrick's office

he decorated it and everything :)

Our little Millie is growing up!


DenKag said...

Millie's getting so big! I think we should set her up with my Clemmie... :) They grow up so fast...*sigh* That job really does sound like a dream...congrats! And to Patrick to, on the promo!

CGG said...

Hi Kathy! Glad to hear you are getting all settled in. Good luck with the new job!

Lizzie Collum said...

Sorry, I thought I had commented on this post but I guess I got sidetracked! You have so many exciting things going on right now! I am so glad that things are finally coming together for you in Keller! Way to go Patrick and hooray Kath on the awesome job! Millie is cute cute! Can't wait to come see her...and you, ofcourse