Sunday, October 21, 2012

The news is real here

Ok, so this post is a serious one. I am up with Hallie at 2:30 am and I got to thinking about life here in California. It sounds glamorous, but honestly, living around one of the biggest Military bases is anything but that. I feel like I always read stories about young men being killed, wonded, deployed and I think " oh that is sad', but then I move on. After being here a few months i have met people. I have met those people on the news and in the paper. To make it even harder, I have gotten to know there families.  In the summer, lillie and i swim at the neighborhood pool across the street from a single mom with 2 elementary aged boys. I have learned that a few years ago her husband was shot down in a plane in Afghanistan. She still has to go on and raise her kids. I see her driving sometimes and just feel so sad for her.
      The other day at the gym after an intense workout I see a girl sitting down just crying. I asked what was going on and at first I just thought she was hurt or being a wuss. In reality she was sad, sad that her husband had been deployed and she was emotionally drained of worrying....
Another friend at the gym, she is so fun to workout with, so positive, so cheerful; she told me her husband was medically dischared from the marines. I figured he hurt his back or something that you hear about in the city, to me that meant maybe he was overweight or unhealthy. Nope, I was humbled again. Jess' husband had both legs blown off and lost his arm a few years ago....Life goes on for them.
The most humbling story was about one of the trainers at the gym. I recently read about a fundraiser that the gym is doing for a marine killed, blah blah bah, the stuff we read about all the time. After a few days I learned that that Marine was her husband! ugh, terrible. He was killed a couple years ago, and ironically he was deployed with Jess' husband who came home wounded. Anyways, the other day she came to the gym and decided to do 700 burpees, she was there for a while! Turns out, It had been 700 days since her husband had deployed, so 700 days since she last saw him! He never came home:(
 Sad stroies, but true stories, so pray for the military and their families that you read about. Take the time to read about them and know that they are real stories and someone that loves them is struggling or hurting over their loss. These guys are such heros....


CGG said...

That is so true, and it is so easy to become numb for all the horror in the news, but you're right - those are real people, with real families and real feelings - especially those who are sacrificing their lives for our freedom. Thanks for the tear-inducing reminder!

Lizzie Collum said...

Thanks for sharing that. I haven't ever really heard you talk about military life a whole lot. Praying for all the military and their families...that includes you!

DenKag said...

Agreed. I thank God for their service and pray for them often. Especially for the ones I know :) It's humbling to think how brave they are (soldiers and families) because I think I'm too weak for it,