Friday, September 14, 2012

Cali stuff

We have been pretty busy lately...mostly with just baby stuff. I finally feel more comfortable getting out with the 2 girls. I put Hallie in the baby carrier and Lillie will just walk or get in the cart depending on where we go. Some days we just stay home, ok most days. I hate staying home bc I feel like Lillie gets so bored! But I always hear that kids are just happy being with their parents :) Patrick deploys for 6 months at the end of November. The girls and I will go to Texas in December and I'm not sure when we will get back to California....Hoping I can convince someone to fly back with me.

1 comment:

DenKag said...

I'll fly back with you if I can work it schedule-wise! Would be fun. :). Hopefully we can see you while you're in TX!