Sunday, October 16, 2011

house guests

Jen and her boys came to visit in D.C! We had so much fun....I didn't take that many pictures though, sorry. The first day we went to the Marine Corps museum and Patrick came with us, which made it special. It was the most amazing museum, one of the best museums i've ever been too. It was very moving and I felt very proud of my husband and my brother in law:) That same day, we went to Arlington National Cemetary, also amazing. It is so peaceful, everyone is so respectful when they are there. It is so amazing to read the tombs. If you have never been there, you need to read about it or visit! FABULOUS!
The next day, Jen and the boys went out alone to explore, they had a great time! We went to Mount Vernon one day too- very beautiful....

The boys were great, they played Xbox whenever they were here! They all loved playing with Lillie too. She loved having them here when she woke up in the morning! Braden slept on the couch and every morning she would run up to him and keep saying "Hi" over and funny!

Colin playing on the stairs

Lots of Xbox...


Fun waking up all together

Trip to Mount Vernon


Slave quarters

Outside George Washington's mansion


CGG said...

How fun! Glad y'all had a good weekend! Chase & Braden look so grown up!

DenKag said...

That looks like so much fun!