Tuesday, June 8, 2010

bellies and baby stuff

I took these today with my camera on timer, so not the best. But I am 29 weeks this week and on my way to get a 3D ultra sound! Patrick is probably more excited than I am- he can't wait :)

Gus is thinking what an idiot I am for taking pictures of myself.

These are from a shower thrown at work in the school library- it was sweet. 
We are actually spelling it Lillie- oh well it was still a yum cake (Tres leches)

This is the art teacher Ms. Conques
This is Inez- wonderful PE aide- i mean wonderful:)
I hate awkward pics like this one

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Beautiful Blogger

Rachel gave me a beautiful blogger award a while back. Thank you so much for this award. I would like to pass this award on to...


7 random things about me....

I love to eat sweets- could live off of only dessert

My favorite musician is James Taylor.

My guilty pleasure is watching The Hills- I know I am too old for that show

Farting always makes me giggle. heheeehehe

One side of my jaw is slightly longer than the other.

I have over 14 pairs of running shoes ( they are also the only shoes in my closet that are organized)

I HATE jalapenos, but my favorite chips are jalapeno chips??