Saturday, May 19, 2012

Travels 1

SO we are now in Texas....We started, Thurs May 10 and headed out to Florida. Patrick's younger brother graduated from Law school, so we made a vacation out of it. Patrick's parents rented a 3 bedroom condo on the beach in Amelia Island. It is right outside of Jacksonville, where the Law school is. Lillie loved the beach, mostly bc it was a huge sandbox! She liked the pool the most.... We left there Monday morning and headed 6 hrs to Alabama, stayed the night and then made it to Sugar Land Tuesday afternoon. Lillie is such a good traveler. She has such a good attitude. She only whines when she it super tired or has been in the car too long, so we stop;) We are all supposed to be driving to San Diego in a few weeks, but looks like Lil and I may fly! whoop!

On another note, we bought a house and move in June 4th, so we are kind of killing time until we close and move in. We are excited about the new place, although it is a bit discouraging that the price we paid, we could have had a much bigger home here in Sugar Land...sigh.

Anyways, I will keep you posted as we move along.
Oh and I am 30 weeks pregnant too while all this traveling is happening! Feeling good, but it is tough riding in the car!!

Friday, May 18, 2012


Lillie pointing at wild animals

Nana reading books to Lillie

Lillie laying on the ground outside Sonic..poor girl had been in the car 5 hrs THIS day!

Out to dinner with Blankenships
 Loves laying out just like her mama:)

Lillie loved the beach until the water got in her mouth:/