Monday, May 30, 2011

sweet baby...

No pictures for this post....but I just have to share how sweet Lillie is. The past couple of nights when it is time for her to go to bed, I take her to her room and put her in her crib. She will just lay down and face me. I sit on the floor and her bed is lowered enough that i can see her when i sit there. I rub her hair and she sticks her hand out of the crib and rubs my hair. She usually grabs my hair when I feed her a bottle, but I think it is so sweet that she actually rubs my head. After a few songs, her hand will kind of just go limp, and then I know she is pretty much asleep....That's the best part of my day:)

Zooper weekend!

She loves giving dada her pacifier- she thinks it's so funny!

On the way to the zoo, in her new big girl car seat

This was my favorite part bc there was action! The birds ate the seed off of the stick.

Went all the way to the zoo and the birds were my favorite!!!

Rhino behind us

What's next on the map?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

some Sugar Land

Wow! What a week in Sugar are a couple moments captured on camera.

Lillie and I spent the night with cousin Colin. The two played hard, so they hopped in the tub together

Lil's first swim!!!! She really liked it. The boys joined us, which made it that much more fun!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

This morning we took some a family pictures. Steph, the photographer, posted a few for me. She is a friend of mine that i taught with. We a had good time, it was chilly here this MAY morning, and Lillie lasted long enough for a few good photos. Between Patrick, Steph, and I we could keep Lillie content. We came equipped with her fave Elmo book and some "snackies"( that's what I call them). Enjoy!