Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I never really stop before Thanksgiving and think about what I am really thankful for, so here goes:

1. My family

2. My husband

3.  My health

4. My country

5. Pets

6. my job

7. summer time tans

8. My lap top!!

9.  Fellowship of the Parks church- the ladies in my small group

10. desserts and baking- Especially my mom's

and probably so many little things that keep me going everyday.....this blog may need to be continued...
Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Gus and the ball..

Gus is getting quite large. He loves to chew chew chew! anything and everything, he is losing all his baby teeth. I sure do love when he sleeps with us, he snores a lot and wiggles to be close to someone :)


This past weekend was the marine corps ball. I didn't take very many pictures, Patrick snapped this of me before we left the hotel room. Excuse the iron and hangers in the background! It was a really great time. There was a professional photographer there to take pictures, but I don't know how to scan them and put them on the blog.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Gus' house

Once there was a kitty name Millie who lived in a cozy little house in Keller.

 She often did as she pleased, playing on the computer, eating butter, sleeping with her slaves, getting noticed right when someone walked in the door... On Sunday Nov.1st, Millie's life changed forever!

GUS came and rocked Millie's small world. No more center of attention or remembering to give her treats or thinking of Millie during the day, It was all about Gus now.....